Teachnoadviser Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
212, Samaan II,
Opp. Shell Petrol Pump,
100 Feet Anand Nagar Rd,
Prahlad Nagar, Satellite,
Ahmedabad - 380015
Gujarat - India
Teachnoadviser Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
212, Samaan II,
Opp. Shell Petrol Pump,
100 Feet Anand Nagar Rd,
Prahlad Nagar, Satellite,
Ahmedabad - 380015
Gujarat - India
A business card is a small, printed card that contains essential information about an individual or a business, typically used for professional networking and communication. It is a convenient and compact way to share contact details and make a lasting impression on potential clients, partners, or colleagues.
Typically a rectangular card with basic information and a simple design.
These are made from high-quality materials (e.g., thicker card stock, metal, plastic) and may have special finishes (e.g., embossed, foiled, or matte).
An electronic version of a business card, which can be shared via email or apps (like QR codes) and contain interactive links to websites, social media, or contact information.
These cards fold in half and offer additional space for more detailed information or a creative design.
A business card is an essential tool for exchanging contact details during meetings, conferences, and events, making it easy to connect with others.
It provides a way to represent your business or personal brand in a professional and memorable way. Well-designed cards can leave a positive impression and make you stand out.
Business cards are portable, easy to carry, and can be shared quickly without the need for digital devices or technology.
Having a business card shows that you are professional and established, which can build credibility with potential clients or business partners.
A business card ensures that recipients have your contact information at hand, making it easier for them to reach out to you when needed.
Dynamic and compelling software and web improvement Company. Our vision is to give our global clientele with an unparalleled service through our bespoke Web and Mobile Application Development.
We are committed to creating visually stunning web & mobile applications utilizing all the most advanced technologies to provide extraordinary business solutions.
TechnoAdviser Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
212, Samaan II,
Opp. Shell Petrol Pump,
100 Feet Anand Nagar Rd,
Prahlad Nagar, Satellite,
Ahmedabad - 380015
Gujarat - India
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